Take refuge in nature and discover an exceptional territory

Crossed by several water courses, the main ones being the Ôlo, the Tâmega and the Cabril, the inhabitants of this territory of Mondim de Basto very soon realized the economic and social potential of this good that is water, having developed a land irrigation system that lasts until our days.

As Levadas – assim denominados os cursos de água para rega – constituem um importante recurso do território de apoio à economia rural, à produção de gado, à manutenção de pastagens férteis e ao funcionamento de moinhos de água, que permitem ainda combinar com a vertente turística.

Let yourself Go

Perfect Location

A little over a quarter of an hour from the center of Mondim de Basto, the Alvão Natural Park assumes, more and more, a decisive role in the county’s tourist offer.

Easy Navigation

You can also find the Levada trails in Wikilok and Strava applications.


We recommend compliance with the rules. To find out about unique and safe experiences, contact the local tourist entertainment companies at your disposal.

There's a lot

What we reveal here is a unique landscape and Nature in its purest state!
Let yourself be captivated by the charm of Levadas do Alvão!
Help us to continue making history!

+ 0
Km away
+ 0
Travel hours


Levada de Piscaredo, Levada de Vilarinho, Levada da Porca Russa, Levada do Moinho do Lombo and Levada de São João are some of the Levadas in Alvão.
A new tourist product that combines water, dense forests, winding trails and unique experiences of contact with nature and its biodiversity.

Levada do Piscaredo

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Levada de Vilarinho
Levada da Porca Russa
Levada do Moinho do Lombo
Levada de São João

Operadores Turísticos

Empresas locais que promovem atividades nas Levadas

A sua opinião é importante

Porque desejamos que a sua experiência seja positiva e compatível com as suas expectativas, gostaríamos que nos facultasse a sua opinião por forma a melhorar.

Emergency Contacts
Emergency - 112
Civil Protection - 964 573 134
Volunteer Firefighters - 255 381 251
GNR - 255 381 122
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